I'm still trying to get my arms around my schedule with working as many hours as I do. Though I love my job, because having a career is a major goal in my life...it's been a challenge finding the balance I need.
The other evening Scott and I took the boys to the splash pad after I got home...and it was a BLAST!
Braxton is at such a great age and is able to do so much....

The two of them absolutely loved the water! Braxton is very adventurous, while Carter is old enough to play on his own.

I've also been doing some organizing so that I can get a better "grip" on my mornings. Between getting the two boys ready, lunches made, school stuff ready, and myself ready to go....it's a long process I must admit.
But this one piece of furniture has made the biggest change for us.....the boys put their shoes away and also pick them out and put them on every morning. The lunches are there too for them to grab once I fill them for the day.
Notice the cute board with the envelopes? Well, each one is for each day of the week. I put little pieces of paper in them that say a few options for what we can do that evening...then Carter chooses and we enjoy! I got the idea from www.craftingchicks.blogspot.com and it's been great! Carter feels like he's deciding what we do while really I'm in total control over what we do that day.