Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm a Fat Cat....

It's official....I'm the new Events Manager for FatCats Ogden!

This position has been offered to me more than once, and this time around I was finally ready to take it. I love, love, love what I do! I'm truly made to socialize, party and plan events...while getting paid well to do so!

This position mean so many new things are coming my way: I get an assistant (that's right I'm no longer the assistant, I actually have one of my own) I have a team of hosts for the parties and I get to basically control my own destiny. I am the "big boss" for the Event Services department and absolutely LOVE it!

It also brings new things for our family, the boys will be in full time daycare...which was super hard for me to decide on. I found an amazing place where Carter gets full time preschool and some much needed consistency, while Brax gets to socialize and have a routine day. I can't wait for the consistency, routine and normalized world we soon get to live in finally.

One of the best things about this whole thing, is how much time I get to spend with my family of 4! We do so much more now as a family because it's all free!

Though working more hours is a bit taxing on me, the pre-cooked meals, consistency, and extra income is so nice! Here's to our bright future!


Ashley and Devan said...

I am super excited for you. Life has changed so much for both of us since those days when Carter and Hunter were babes. We sure miss you guys!

Andrea said...

Congrats Christie! You deserve it. I can't wait to go to Fat Cats in just a few short months with you guys.