Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Great Outdoors....

Ahh...the Great Outdoors. I've decided that I am a "sun-person." I need to be in the sun, feel the heat from it, play outside, go for walks and just enjoy relaxing in the rays! Lately the weather has been getting better...and I can tell a difference in my attitude as well. :)

Last Sunday Scott and I thought it would be a good idea to "re-introduce" Carter to water was a hit! This little kid could throw water balloons all day long if we kept them coming his way!

It was such a nice day out so we took advantage and just relaxed in our backyard. Carter loves to swing in the tree swing we got last year...he didn't love it last year...but this year he wants in it all the time! And the best news....I actually got him to smile for the camera! This is a rare enjoy it!

Last week Carter and I got to spend the day with his Grandma Margaret...and what's a day with her without going to the Gateway? We stopped off at the "treat shop" first and then walked around everywhere. Afterwards, we stopped by the fountain to see the water show....he absolutely LOVED it! We had so much fun hanging out with Grandma Margaret!

On Monday, Scott took us up to the "B" in Bountiful for some fun "mountain-time." I'm not really the "outdoors" type of person, but it was such a fun time to just hang out. There's not really a lot to do up it forces me to relax and just enjoy the moment. Of course Scott took advantage of this time and showed Carter how to shoot the pellet gun of funny how little Carter knew just how to look through the scope! (I'm not a gun person the fact that I'm sharing this pic is amazing!)

Scott also brought his "protective ear gear" (as he refers to it) and of course Carter just had to try them on for size!

I am having so much fun doing things outside....playing different games with Carter and just hanging out as a family lately! Though I'm getting bigger by the minute, I really am having a blast being pregnant! (Never thought I'd say that before!) Last week at my check up, my due date got moved up again because this little baby boy is growing like a weed. He's already 3 pounds...which means we're most likely looking at another 7 to 8 weeks and he'll be here! I can't wait...but still have a few things I want done before he I better get crackin!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter and Family Time...

This Easter was so much fun! Carter actually "got" the idea of collecting Easter eggs and getting the treats inside. We actually took part in 3 Easter Egg Hunts...and all in very different ways.
The first was Friday night, Scott's Aunt Janae and Uncle Craig put together one of the best ideas ever! It was a "Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt." We went to a field at night, gave the kids a flashlight and their Easter Baskets and let them find the eggs. It really was so much fun and I am so making sure this is a tradition for us from now on!

Then on Saturday Hill AFB puts on a great hunt for the kids...the eggs even have toys instead of treats (and you know I'm all about less sugar!) Though I was so excited to have Carter take part in this egg hunt, he had other ideas. They had the Easter Bunny come...and once he saw him it was all over for the actual hunt.

Once the short Egg Hunt was over, Carter got his wish, we went over to the Easter Bunny and he gave him a big hug! It was just what the little guy needed to make him in a better mood.

Then on Easter our little family went to church...Carter was adorable in his sweater-vest, compliments of his cousin Hunter. And then headed over to my step-dad's for a BBQ and some relaxation. Scott's family came over as well and we had, yet another, Easter Egg Hunt in his backyard. Pretty much though, by this time Carter was all "Egg-Hunted" out and just wanted to jump on the tramp.

Overall it was a great Easter: the weather was gorgeous, we got to see lots of family, and just relax.

This week has been a little crazy: I have been so busy, Scott has had some harder days at work, and Carter has definitely reached the "terrible twos" now! So after a phone call from Scott saying he needed a break from reality, I came up with a cute idea...

In the Morris house we love to have Family Movie Time. Carter gets to help pop the popcorn, lick out treats and hang out with Daddy in the recliner, while Scott and I get to just relax for once. Though I knew Scott would like to just chill last night, I knew I had to make it a little more fun and special...
Introducing.......Mommy's Concession Stand!

We all got some "Mommy Money" to use at the Concession Stand and buy what treats we wanted...

Here's the little man "buying" his goodies!

Very cheap, very fun and way to easy to spice up a simple family night!

Well folks, I know all of you really want to see my belly (okay so I know that's a lie, but I wanted to include a pic so that when I look back I can remember just how gigantic I'm getting) Here is the little guy sitting way low, he enjoys kicking my ribs (they must be in his way), doing summer-saults and creating a ton of pressure on my body! :) Though I'm now at the uncomfortable stage, I am getting more and more excited to him to come.

I'm 26 weeks, and if I go early like with Carter, we're talking 12 weeks and he'll be here! CRAZY!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Trip to Arizona....and a Dentist Appointment...

Last weekend Scott, Carter and I were lucky enough to take a trip to Arizona to visit the other side of my family. It's actually worked out pretty well over the last few years, because we get to see eachother every two to three months. Being the only grandkid, Carter sure loves the attention! The weather in Utah was awful while we were gone, which made the trip a much-needed "getaway" for our little fam.
Carter is over the age of being a "lap-child" on the plane, so this trip he actually had his own seat! It was hilarious! Every time we go on the airplane, he gets better and better. (It helps that it's only an hour and 40 minute flight too!) But he does so well, it's fun to watch him explore every detail of the plane.
This is the little man, seated with his seatbelt on and reading the safety instructions for the plane! So funny.

The first day we were there, we took advantage of the nice weather and went to the Zoo. It's such a nice Zoo there and it really was a perfect day. What's a two-year old going to do when he's done sitting in the stroller....
That night we went out to dinner at our favorite...Texas Roadhouse. Though it really wasn't my dad's birthday, we totally embarassed him and said it was! Carter of course had to get in on the action....
We also went to the Titan Missile Museum. It's really cool because they have this gigantic missile completely underground and we got to go and check it out!
The taller people had to wear hard hats because of the equipment and everything we were going to walk through....of course though, Carter needed to wear one too.
And it just wouldn't be a complete trip if Carter didn't get a chance to go Go-Cart Riding with Grandpa! He remembers this everytime we come here and doesn't forget! Scott, my Dad and Carter all went one morning and Carter came back talking up a storm about it!
It was such a fun trip! My step-mom planned a surprise Baby Shower for me too! I really had no idea...but with all the sweet goodies we got to bring home I feel so ready and excited to have this little boy!
Yesterday, Carter had his very first Dentist appointment! The place I took him to, Castle Creek Pediatric Dentistry, is AMAZING! I love it and will be bringing Carter there until he's 18! This was his first appointment, so really it was just a "meet-and-greet" but it was fun.
Carter did so well, which amazed me! And it was all good news about his teeth, which makes me feel good too!
It's always fun to getaway and relax away from reality, but it's also fun to come home and get back into our routine. Scott's on day shift, the weather is great and in about 3 months I'm going to be a mom of two kids.....things are coming along nicely for our little family!