Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pinewood Derby, Family Time and Goals!

Scott and I have started going to church as of the beginning of this month. One day he just decided that he wanted to start going again, introduce me to the world of "three-hour church" and have Carter experience everything he did as a young boy. We have such a great Ward here, everyone is really nice, down-to-earth, and has little ones like Carter (so I'm NEVER the only mom trying to make my kid be quiet!). It's been nice meeting our neighbors, making new friends and having events to go to (especially in the winter time.)

This weekend was the traditional Pinewood Derby, but with a "Washington Terrace 4th Ward twist" everyone got to participate. Adults, young girls, moms, little kids, everyone! Scott and I had so much fun creating our cars and getting them to weigh the right amount. We started out with plain blocks of wood, and had to call in for some help. The three of us made a day out of it and went over to Scott's Grandparent's house to utilize his Grandpa's wood-working skills. I have to admit I'm afraid to see how they would have turned out if we didn't get his help! This is the before.....

I meant to get some shots of the acutal derby, but I was so busy running after Carter, getting the cars when they finished and meeting new people, my camera never left my purse! Here are the cars after the race though....

Yesterday was such a gorgeous day, we took advantage of it and went walking around exploring. The sun was out, it wasn't windy and it made everything with the snow on it beautiful!

To end the night last night we had ice cream cones and watched Uncle Buck, one of our family's favorites! My mom found this car at the DI and Carter wouldn't get out of for $10 and some TLC this is his newest favorite thing!

What's really funny is now he gets in, puts on the seat belt and says:

"I goin' down a yoad in Busy Town mom. I go to work at gas station to sell Bug Juice."

It's so funny because he totally came up with this on his own! Silly little guy.

This week Carter and I are all about POTTY TRAINING! He is going to start preschool in April and has to be trained by I'm sure by then he'll be ready. But as of tomorrow morning I'm going to stay in the house, keep him naked, and just focus on getting him potty trained!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Morris' Valentine Edition....

Things have been so busy for our little fam lately! Valentine's Day was such a great treat for Scott and myself....we got the rare chance to visit the Alaskan Inn on Friday night. My mom watched Carter so Scott and I could get some much needed R&R. We actually haven't been to the Alaskan Inn since our wedding almost 3 years it really was a special time for us.
We try to do "meaningful" gifts on holidays like this for obvious reasons...this Valentine's Day it was all about our family.....Scott got this for me for two reasons: 1. He said it reminded him of our lil- family of three when Carter was first born. 2. Because it gets him thinking about our next addition to the family.

I got this one for Scott because he is such a great dad. He hasn't had the easiest time in life and it amazes me everyday how well he does as a father. I can't wait to see him with two boys!
Today was Scott's first day working his new hours. It was so nice having him home this morning to help with things...I actually ran some errands without the little guy! I know this change is something that will be a good thing for our family, but not having home at night is going to take a little while to get used to for me.
Don't think Carter and I were bored without him though.....we played "hide and seek," had soy ice cream cones, and watched the Letter Factory about 3 times! This is Carter's newest thing.....
He loves to "hide" in his hamper...and this is what it looks like when I "find" him....

What a little goof I have on my hands! He is so fun, keeps me busy and really makes our lives complete.

Last night was a little scary for Scott and I because I couldn't feel the baby move at all. I know that sounds really paranoid...but he has been bouncing around for the last three weeks....everyday I have felt him but for some reason I couldn't feel him at all yesterday or the day before. So poor Aunt Machel (my doctor) met me at the clinic at 9pm last night to check on the little baby.

Good news...everything is fine. He is actually breech right now so I can't feel as much and he's really low (which is so not comfortable) so things are not the same as they were a few days ago. I'm so relieved though..I knew I would just stay awake and stress if I didn't get the little guy checked out. I'm so glad that Scott's aunt is such a caring, professional and cmopassionate makes the whole pregancy experience better!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Carter's New Room!

Our little guy has officially moved into his new room...which happens to be upstairs and our bedroom is it's a little weird for me to have him on a separate floor than me. (I know I'll get used to it, but it's going to be a little while)

I was so excited to paint his furniture, make the curtains and get the fun accessories needed to make it a fun bedroom for the little guy. It was hard for Scott to see my "vision" while the furniture was brown, the walls were bare and nothing was colorful or fun....but when he came home today I'm proud to announce that he was so impressed with the outcome!
Here is a shot of the room without anything but the plain white furniture....

And here I've "Christie-ized" it to make it a fun bedroom that Carter will enjoy being in. (It's definitely NOT lacking in the color department.)

Here is the desk and hutch...again just plain and simple.....

And of course the fun outcome!

It was a lot of work to get this room set but I have to say now that it's all "said and done" I'm so happy with it! Carter went from a really small bedroom with no closet, just a mattress and box spring on the floor, and no toys; to a room with more storage and space than we know what do with! He has done so well with the transition...not fighting nap time or bedtime I think he's liking it!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Giant ALL Day Treat!

I found the coolest chalk awhile ago (I was saving it for a "rainy" day) and yesterday my little man was getting restless so I brought out this awesome treat!
Because you know I get things at a discount....these four HUGE chalk crayons cost only $3! Gotta love Target Clearance!

On my pantry door I have our weekly schedule (to help keep us all on the same page) and of course had to have a couple of chalkboard sheets for Carter. He LOVES that he gets to draw on the "door" and I love that he's having fun, in my view of sight, and not getting into trouble!

So what do you get when you introduce a little guy to the world's largest chalk?

A Happy Camper for HOURS! I'm not kidding, he sat there for almost an entire hour drawing "roller coasters," animals and mommy and daddy. In this picture he brought out his other chair for me to sit's flattering to know that he thinks I can fit my pregnant bum on that teeny chair!
What a funny little guy! It's moments like these that make me appreciate the fact that I'm home during the day now to experience this part of his life with him.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Projects....Family Fun!

With my "ever-growing" belly, it's beginning to hit me that this little guy is coming in 5 short months! And before he gets here, there are a billion things I need to get done! Here are my main things to do within the next two months:

1. Potty Train Carter...I am NOT having two in diapers! And he's so old enough now to be potty trained. I've only really just introduced the whole the idea to him, we have had a few successes but until I really devote a three or four day stretch to just potty training I don't think it will be complete. (which I'm cool with right now) It's actually a fun experience with my little guy!

2. Move Carter to the upstairs bedroom. Though this may sound like an easy task of just moving's not! I have to paint his furniture that's going in his new room first, move the current things in that bedroom downstairs and rearrange a few rooms now.
You know I'm a "bargain" shopper and my cute friend Jackie was getting rid of a bedroom set they've had for I jumped on the opportunity and now am making it my own! Carter is going to have a new dresser, desk, hutch, night stand and captain's bed! He's turning into a BOY! Here are some before and after shots

It's not quite done yet, but all the pieces look so good...Jackie might come over and be jealous! :)

I have heard about this Kangaroo Zoo from so many people, so when Scott said he didn't have to work on Saturday...I was so excited to do something as a family on a Friday night! We headed to North Salt Lake with low expectations...and arrived, paid $5 for all of us, and had a BLAST! Carter didn't want to leave! It was so much fun, Scott got some really great shots of us...

After our time at Kangaroo Zoo we ended the night with a trip to Texas of my favorite places ever! Carter absolutely loves when the servers come over and dance in a line...last night he decided to join's not the greatest shot but he loved it!

It was such a fun's a nice treat to have Scott spend a Friday night with us and have some good quality family time!

Soon he will be changing shifts and going to "swings" so I'm going to have to give up these nights with him! I'm not looking forward to it, but if he can work with a better group of guys, get paid more and be able to function better (now that he won't have to wake up at 3am) then it's all worth it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Best Buddies, Practicing for Two, and Baby News!

Carter absolutely LOVES Johnny our hampster! At first, I'll admit I was really hesitant to go ahead with gettin gone (I've had my share of crazy hampsters) but I am so thrilled we did it. Every morning Carter wakes up and pulls a chair over to "talk" to Johnny and see him! Tonight he was hoping to share a taco shell with him...I told him the Johnny needed to get some more rest. :) It's so fun to see him love his "friend" so much!

Today I watched cute little Rylan for a little while. I know this picture is a little blurry, but Timmy was attached to my other hand yanking me away! Carter and "Ry" play so well together so it really was easy to have both of them today. It did get me thinking about how it's going to be with two little ones now though!
I thought it'd be fun to go for a walk today because it was actually decent I bundled up the boys and loaded them in our single stroller! It really went well...but I so need a double stroller!
As far as baby news...I'm officially 16 weeks now and it's for sure a sweet little BOY!!! Scott and I are so happy to have two brothers in our house soon. The baby actually is measuring bigger so my due date got pushed up about a week...not that I'm complaining! :) I am truly enjoying being pregnant right now....I know that sounds funny because I aws literally dying at first...but now it's fun to watch my belly grow and feel weird changes going on.

This is such a fun time for our family...and we're just taking advantage of spending time together while it's just the three of us. (Well add in a dog and hampster...) 2009 is going to be a great year for us, I can't wait to see all the things we hope to accomplish, actually get done, in the meantime.