Friday, October 8, 2010

Our Carter...My oh My...

Today our Carter babe turns 4 years old! This big boy is such a huge part in who Scott and I are today. There hasn't been a day that we aren't truly grateful to have such an amazing son. Carter and I were saying prayers last night, and it hit me....that was the last time he would be 3 years old. 4 is just so big, he's not a little guy anymore. As much as a miss how tiny he was when he was born...I am thrilled to watch him grow up.
And what's not to love about this sweet boy?

In honor of our little man becoming 4, I wanted to list of some of his latest attributes:

Carter is my buddy, we can pretty much have a "real" conversation about anything! He's so much fun to take everywhere with me and I truly look forward to running errands with him.

Carter absolutely adores his dad and tries to be just like him in so many ways. I've been working a lot lately, and Scott's been picking the boys up after work and spending all night alone with them. Carter waked up in the morning and asks when I can go back to work so that daddy can play with them again.

He is an amazing big brother to Brax. They play everyday and Carter is learning so well to play respectfully with him.

Who can resist smiling at a face like this?

I can't believe it's been 4 years since I became a mom. I can still remember being in the hospital at 4am and getting to hold him for the first time. He's grown, matured and really become his own person that we are proud to call our son.

1 comment:

Ashley and Devan said...

Oh how we love Carter. Happy Birthday little man. Four is so big. Our boys really need to stop this growing up stuff.
We can't wait for the party. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.