Monday, May 2, 2011


The Easter festivities came so quickly this year! I have always loved celebrating Easter, decorating with everything "spring" and of course Jelly Beans!

This year I really wanted to show the boys the science behind dying the out came the colors and hard boiled eggs. We talked about mixing colors, vinegar making the colors brighter and how the hard boiled egg works better than a raw one. I think we did pretty well!

Scott and I filled over 50 eggs on Friday night and filled the boys' Easter baskets. We wanted to celebrate the "bunny" part on Saturday. So here's what the boys woke up to on Saturday morning...

We had a "practice" egg hunt so that the boys were ready for the real thing. Carter was actually very good at making sure Braxton had the same amount of eggs that he did.

So cute!
The Hill AFB Egg Hunt is by far my favorite! I try to go there every year...and this year surpassed all others! We got there a little early, so the boys had a perfect chance to meet the Easter Bunny. They had TONS of eggs for the kids, and the parents got boxes of chocolates and celestial tea boxes. It was AWESOME!
We went to my dad's that evening and decorated the most adorable cupcakes ever!

They look like pots!

On Sunday we woke up late, hung out as a family and talked to the boys about Jesus' Resurrection. I had some fun things planned for Primary that I used with our boys. It was really fun to see how much Carter really picked up on. (His preschool is at a Lutheran church, so he really knew a ton about Jesus' death and how he rose 3 days later)

After church, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Morris' house. The boys got kites, and it was a perfect day to fly them! Carter had a blast running up and down the sidewalk...
What an amazing weekend. Between the fun activities, family time and hope for better couldn't have gotten any better.

I'm truly grateful for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I'm amazed at how much Scott and I have in our lives, we are thankful everyday for our many blessings.

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