Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Livin' on the Farm...

Carter's class has been focusing on Life Circles last month and this month. For that, they had eggs in an incubator that they monitored and watched hatch! So fun. (They're very "all natural" and focus on life skills as well as education)
I'm not going to lie, Carter's been struggling with the full-time transition, and I don't blame the little guy. It's hard to work as many hours as both Scott and I do, and I know it's hard on the boys to be in "daycare" full-time too. But it's for the greater good, so we'll keep moving forward.
Well, it's been a fight to get the little man to go to school everyday, once he's there he truly has a great time and has so many friends.....but getting him there takes all I have not to go insane.
Ever since the eggs hatched into chicks, Carter's been excited to go to school and doesn't fight me at all.
That's how it all began....he learned real fast that if you wear mom down to nothing, then you can pretty much get anything you want from her. :)
Meet our newest additions...
That's right folks, chicks! We are now proud parents of chickens! I NEVER thought the day would come (I'm so not "farmer-ish") But here we are, and to my surprise I really love the little things.
They are super friendly with the boys and love being held. Carter and Brax love watching them and playing with them.
I'm excited to see how fast they grow....


Cute Family said...

We just got chickens over the weekend as well. Except Jon got a little ambitious and came home with 12!! I need to do a post on those.

Janae said...

that sounds so fun! Baby chicks are so dang cute. I'm sure your whole family will love it.
And keep hanging in there with working - i know it is super tough.

Ashley and Devan said...

Ha Ha, Is it bad that I am laughing a little. I can't believe he talked you into chicks. You rock! What a cool Mom you are.

Heather said...

You are a super cool mom!