Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Food Budget....

Although we are now a 2 income household, Scott and I are still sticking to a strict budget so that we can be in a better financial situation from now on. I've seen too many people have more money for once and just blow it on dumb things. Not us, that's for sure! I've been trying to figure out the best way to still do all of my couponing and fit it in my crazy schedule....well last week this is my progress....
Winco is my least favorite place to shop, and I had to go to 2 different ones to get these deals...but this is awesome FREE food right? I was not motivated to go shopping on my only day off last week, but the boys and I made it into a treasure hunt. If they found all of our "treasure" aka the free items, then they got to pick out a small treat. It was a lot more fun than I thought!

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