Sunday, June 5, 2011


5 years ago, Scott and I said our vows.
Since then it's been a say the least!

It's a very convenient thing to have an anniversary over a holiday weekend. Memorial Day weekend is always long and relaxing, and we get to celebrate our anniversary then...who wouldn't love that?

Conveniently, over Memorial Day weekend, Thomas the Train comes to Heber. So fun! We have gone every year for the past 4 years now and love it every time. This time was a little different....we stopped and had lunch and the boys got to eat on a TRAIN!!!!

The kids' meals had conductor hats for toys, and Scott was mezmorized by the soda fountain. (Funny, I know. But it was pretty cool)
Thomas did not disappoint this year...
The tattoos are our favorite part!

Braxton enjoyed the ride so much! A cute family next to us took this picture for me, and I'm honestly in LOVE with it! Photoshop, here we come.
Although it's our Anniversary weekend, from day one, Scott and I have made it all about the boys. This is why...
This year was cooler than usual, so it was a shorter trip for us than we usually plan. But nevertheless, it was memorable...and of course the boys loved it! Braxton really understood everything this time. Carter is becoming such a train-riding expert now too!
Scott and I did get to spend some time just the two of us and went to the most amazing Japanese restaurant ever! You actually sit on the floor (there's a hole for your legs so it's still pretty comfy!)
Although I knew the food wasn't going to be the "highlight" for Scott: the service, experience and alone time was just what we needed! I got off of work a little early and Scott did too so that we could go while the boys were at school.
It's amazing to think that we've been a couple for almost 10 years now: 7 years of that living together, 5 years of that being married, 5 years as parents, and we have the most beautiful boys to brighten our day each and every day!

1 comment:

Heather said...

So fun! We seriously love your family. You guys are awesome! I really enjoyed your sharing time yesterday, you did great!