Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Snow" Much Fun!

The Snow is HERE!
I know so many are so excited for the snow...and though it's fun in the beginning...I get really sick of it! But the first big snow was here last week and I really enjoyed playing with Carter for the first time this winter season...
We made snow angels...
And smade some really fun snowballs...of course we threw them at and Aunt Ju Ju were "off limits" as far as Carter was concerned.
And yes....we HAD to see Santa. I'm not one to pressure my boys into taking amazing pictures (we all know it really doesn't work out to yell and get frustrated anyway) so this is the best we could get) It was really funny because Carter was carrying on a full conversation with Santa.
I do have to admit having Brax in our family has really changed things...for the better. I absolutely adore him and couldn't imagine things without him! He's so content (as long as food is in sight) and really is such a happy little five month old!
Scott, Julia and I took Carter to Michael's to do their December craft project....though the craft really was lame in my mind...Carter had a great time doing a project with Daddy and Aunt Ju Ju.
We have been so busy with the Christmas festivities, family birthdays and just having fun together...more post to come.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Wow, I've missed a lot of posts...I'm sorry I haven't been on here more. You're such a good mom to get out in the cold and play in the snow. I've taken Rylan with my while I shoveled, but that's about all. I'm waiting on his snow clothes for Christmas from John's parents.