Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fun times....

We've been very busy lately, making sure to to super fun things! I've made it a priority for our family to make sure FUN is a crucial part of our lives. (It's so easy to let the little things get in the way)

Scott went on a campout with the Elder's Quorum on friday night and had a blast! This is the first time in almost 5 years that he's gone somewhere with friends! When he came back this afternoon, it was off to Ikea and Cabelas for the Morris Fam of four.
We were lucky enough to plan it at a time when Aunt Ju Ju could join us!
We had treats, all kinds of music and some fun stops along the way!I didn't get any pics at Ikea, but I did take some time at Cabelas.
The boys had so much fun...
I just love these two! Scott and I have been having fun seeing the differences between them....because there's a TON of them!
We also got the treat to meet my friend Ashley and her kids at FatCats this week as well. My sister had the day off of school then of course she came!
One of the huge perks of me working there is the FREE activities we get to do. We did bumper cars...
Glow Golf...Pirate style...
And also bowled, but it was enough to keep the kids out of trouble so I didn't get any pictures.
Here's to FUN!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

That's awesome! We just love you guys. I can't help but smile at Carter's expression in the car pic. Both of your boys are adorable!! Justin said it was great to get to hang out with Scott at the EQ camp out.