Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monster Truck Rally...

Last weekend my dad got the boys together and went to the MONSTER TRUCK RALLY!
Of course my sister went too, she's like Scott's favorite lil' sis! I will admit I was a little worried about Carter....but don't you worry that little kid had a great time!
Funny was at the E Center so there was a little bit of a drive to get there, aparently Carter chatted it up the WHOLE way there and back. On the way back he asked everyone in the car, "Hey guys I have an idea..are you guys hungry because I wouldn't mind stopping at McDonald's"
CRAZY Child!
Carter has asked me everyday since when he's going back to the truck rally with Grandpa Steve.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

So fun Christie! I didn't know they guys went to the Monster Trucks. I totally am cracking up about Carter's McDonald's comment. It might have something to do with his own McDonalds self serve booth at home. haha!