Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Camping, School and Hair....

Last weekend my dad let us crash his camping party at Strawberry Resevoir. He has a huge RV that I've never been on a trip in yet, so I thought it was the perfect time to give it a shot.
We did so many things and got in some great "outdoor" time too! Now that the weather is getting cooler, it was nice to take it all in.
We went fishing with the whole crew from my dad's work...and Carter loved the chance to use his McQueen fishing rod. Although I'll admit, fishing is way boring, it was a nice day and amazing views. Carter got bored after a couple of hours of not catching anything and in the middle of silence my 3 year old said, "Guys this is super boring! I'm bored out of my mind, can we go back home to Grandpa Steve's RV?" It was awesome!
While the big boys fished, Brax and I explored. He found a "mountain" that he kept trying to climb.
Scott and I enjoyed hanging out in the RV with the little guys! It was nice to be able to go inside and relax, but then go right back out and go for a hike.
Braxton loved exploring everything the RV had to offer...especially the pantry!
Carter loved pretending to drive it! The entire way up there Carter rode alone with my dad in teh RV while Scott, Brax and I rode in our car. He said he LOVED every minute of the ride!
Thanks Dad for such a great trip!
Carter started his first day of his 4 year old preschool yesterday! He said he had such a fun time and can't wait to go back.
I also made a hair. Ever since I had Brax my hair is completely different. I lose so much hair everyday and since Brax it's more than ever....I get headaches when I wear it's not curly like before but more's just so different. So I chopped it off! I'm proud to say that I LOVE it and still wonder why I didn't do this sooner!
The side view is my favorite because it shows just how much shorter it really is. It's so light and I feel so much better now!
We've been busy enjoying life lately....

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Looks cute! That's kinda why I chopped my hair when I did. I get headaches when I pull it up too.