Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lagoon Day!

It's been almost a year since we've been to Lagoon (the last time we went it was Frightmares) so really it's been about 8 years since we've really been there.
My mom had special "teacher" coupons and we got in for a STEAL! We went on a weekday, so it was my mom, sister, me and the boys....and both of our boys LOVED every minute!
My sister and I made Carter ask my mom to ride on the kiddie swings with him...she will never say no to that kid. And though she totally fought it at first....she had a great time!
Carter has inherited the love of cotton candy from me (but I so inherited it from my mom)
It's fun though because my mom and I almost have withdrawls at places like this until we get our cotton candy fix...
Carter and I were so excited to ride the ferris wheel....Aunt Ju Ju decided to get over her fears and come with us. You can see EVERYTHING from up there!
This is Carter's favorite ride (he made J ride it about 10 times with him)
I will say though, we had to end the eventful day with some fountain time...

Carter had so much fun, he's changed so much and is so much more brave and independent. I love it!
And Brax really did a great job. That kid didn't sleep all day and was seriously a great trooper. Though he did get very jealous watching Carter ride the fun rides.
Once my mom sat with him though at the end of the day...this is what happened...
He was out!
Thanks for such an amazing day mom!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fat Cats...

My mom and sister are now on summer of course they spend a ton of time with us now. We were all together one night and decided to go to Fat Cats. It's definitely a favorite in our home.
My sister and Scott competed in the "dance dance" game and Brax joined in....
I couldn't let Scott have all the fun, so I tried it out too! If you've never done's a must!
Carter loves the red motorcycle game...and it's a rare chance that he'll let me share the ride with him.
Brax loves skee-ball and tried to crawl all the way up!

Birthday Activities!

I know it's late, but like I said we've been super busy lately!

We all celebrated my birthday last week and had a blast, I just haven't posted about it yet.

Everyone knows I have a weird diet because of my food allergies, so for this birthday we got some cookies, iced and decorated them and that was my "cake." It sounds really funny, but Carter had a great time decorating them and they were so yummy!My mom, sister, the boys and I drove to Draper and met Ashley and her kids at Boondocks! I have to say I had a blast there...the boys played together while Ash and I got to chat and catch up. I'm so glad my mom and sister were able to make it this year!

Julia drove Carter and I got to drive Hunter....gotta love it! Overall, it was a great day. We got to see our friends, hang out with family and play....what's not to love?

Fruits of Our Labor....

Our garden actually is producing! I know it's supposed to, but we seriously don't know what we're doing so to actually see strawberries growing is amazing!
We have so many things popping up all over the garden! Is is bad that I completely forgot what was planted where?
I got this tomato plant for Mother's Day from my dad and it's blossoming already! Carter thinks this whole "growing your food" thing is pretty cool!
I have to admit, gardening is pretty rewarding!

TBall Celebration!

Carter finished up his very first season of TBall! He did such a great job listening to the coach, watching his team mates and learning all about the sport.
The Base put on a great awards ceremony with a BBQ afterwards and everything! Here's our little guy with his awesome trophy!

The splash pad on base just opened, so we decided to take the kids there after to celebrate...

My dad bought a new pool for the kids (and an awesome patio set for the adults) so we all went back to his house for a BBQ.
Carter loves that this pool has a slide, water-shooting dolphin, and a deep-end just for him! (Brax is only allowed in the "shallow" end)
While we were filling the "deep" end, Brax chilled in "his" section of the pool.
It was such a great time and so fun to have the whole family having fun together.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Water Fun....

This weather has been so crazy....we joke around our house that Mother Nature is BiPolar!
There have been some really nice days though...and I am so behind on my blogging so here are some pics of the boys playing in the water.
We went with Scott's family to the Gateway and the cousins loved playing in the water!

Carter is obsessed with the fountains this year...and Brax is so makes it so much fun to go because they both have such a great time

The Splash Pad near our house is perfect because it's not too far, it's free and the kids LOVE every minute!
We stopped at Costco to get dinner (I know it sounds ghetto but our boys love the pizza and churros, while Scott and I get the hot dogs and smoothies)
Then we headed to the splash's Brax finishing his pizza...
They just love getting wet and watching the water "do tricks" as Carter says...
I'm ready for it to be pemanently good weather...this teasing stuff is getting hard!

Halle's Birthday Party...

Carter has an adorable little friend named Halle. Her mom, Heather, and I do Cub Scouts together, so our kids get to play with each other a ton! Is she the cutest thing or what?
It was Halle's 2nd Birthday and Carter was so excited to go to a Princess party for once!

They decorated hats and wore "necklaces" (I have to say, Carter was a great sport with the dress up section and even put on a pink tu-tu and wings!)
It was all outside and the backyard was the perfect place to let the kids play and have a great time! Heather had a water table out and I have to say it was a hit! (Even with the babies)
The kids loved moving from one "station" to the next and doing all sorts of fun things
There was even a ball jumping castle...and I have to say I'm pretty sure Brax LOVED it the most!

I'm so glad we got to go to this fun "girl" party! My boys had a blast!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Guess Who's 25?

Today is an amazing day!
I am now 25 years old...that's such a fun age. I'm not "old" yet, but still I'm not a "youngin" so it's a very nice compromise.
When you get older though, birthdays really aren't a huge deal (we all know I go crazy for my boys' birthdays) but when it comes to me, hanging out, going to dinner and getting a few presents is what it's all about.
I will toot my own horn though and say that I have done so much in my 25 years!
Looking back over the years at everything I've done, the experiences I've had and the accomplishes made, I've realized that my greatest achievements are:
I am the mom to 2 of the most amazing boys ever! Scott and I are so lucky to have such amazing kids and be able to watch them grow up together.
(by the way, this is what the boys LOVE doing now. Carter pulls Brax in the car behind him by linking the wheel in the "trailer" part of his bike. They do this for hours...and Braxton cries for more everytime Carter stops!)
For those that don't know, my life has been crazy. I've been everywhere from Central America to Europe, I've been the "new girl" 19 times in school, I was 17 graduating from high school and 20 graduating from college, a mom at 21 and finally a stay-at-home mom of 2 by 24!
I'm hoping to slow down a bit for the next 25 years....but I do have a lot to be grateful for and today is all about appreciating everything I do have.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Great Outdoors....FINALLY!

All I can say is...Mother Nature and I haven't been friends lately!
Our poor little boys LOVE being outside...and with the weather lately it's been so hard to be stuck indoors!
Now that it's getting better...this is what we've been up to lately,
Motorcycle ridin'
Fire Truck ridin'
Eating and shucking a TON of corn
(both boys will eat corn on the cob! Carter eats 2 ears at one sitting and Brax loves chewing on a small section too!) It's safe to say that being outside more has made us ALL happy!
This picture is just a side note....Carter was still sleeping one morning while Brax and I were up. I heard a lot of extra noise coming from the playroom and this is what I found...
Brax was so content playing McDonald's for about 45 minutes! So cute!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thomas the Train Adventure...

Memorial Day weekend we made our annual trip to Heber Valley to see Thomas the Train. This is the second year we've gone...and I have to admit, this is going to be a tradition in our home from now on!
I had an extra ticket, so my sister came with us this time! Carter adores her, and they had a blast watching movies in the back on the way there...
I just love sharing this time with Carter...he gets so excited and is so thankful all day long.
I love how cool Thomas really does look in real life. Carter loved looking at him while we stood in line for this pic....Brax just chilled and went with the flow.
There were so many things to do this time in the amazing weather we had. My sister and I took the boys through a "hay maze" and Scott photographed the whole thing.
We were actually able to get some cute family shots this time because my sister was there. Thanks J for being our photographer!
They had the temporary tattoo booth again and Carter LOVED every minute!
Julia had to get in on the action too...
One of my favorite parts (and I'm so glad I get to share it with Carter) is the cotton candy booth! Man does this little guy love that stuff!
Carter and my sister stood in line and got a picture with Sir Topham Hatt...Carter thought it was pretty cool!
The train ride was so fun. The weather was nice and we got a spot on the "open" car this time too. Brax loved it!
It was a great trip overall. We all had fun, made some more memories and will definitely be going again next year!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Preschool Graduation...

We've reached another milestone in the Morris home: Carter graduated from his first year of preschool! Our little guy has been going twice a week since August and has loved every minute of it!
He never once had a hard time leaving me (maybe the whole daycare thing since he was 3 months old helped.) But he actually looked forward to going to preschool. Ms. Hill was a great teacher and had a ton of patience with the kids while also making sure they learned lots along the way.
The graduation program was adorable! They sang a few songs together...
They played a song on the piano individually...
They each said a nursery rhyme (carter's was Hickor Dickory Dock and he ROCKED it!)
One thing we've learned is that our little guy is not afraid of crowds. He loves being the center of attention and is great at pleasing the crowd....maybe there'll be some kind of future for him in the 'drama' world.
I love that Carter's preschool is so close to our house (we walk there sometimes when the weather is nice) and that it's an actual school so that he's ready for kindergarten when the time comes.