Monday, July 18, 2011

Blow Your Kazoo....Braxton Turned Two!

This year's theme for Brax's birthday was "music." I wanted to make it "young" but super fun too! With the drum cake, instruments and musical parade...I have to admit, it was AMAZING!
This year I found the COOLEST balloons ever! Seriously, have you ever seen bigger ones? (One of the perks of having a mom in the party business)
I made these shirts for the boys to wear...very "cool" Carter informed me, but fit the theme perfectly!
The musical parade was a hit with the "big" kids...the little ones were just playing. Each kids used some of the instruments they decorated in the parade.
My amazing friend Jimmy stayed up until 2am making these amazing cake balls by hand for Brax's birthday. They look amazing on my cute record trays right?
Braxton and Grandpa Steve playing "real" basketball....
I melted these records into bowls so that we could fill them with treats for the party. The kids thought it was pretty cool, though some of the adults remembered the albums that I "ruined." Oh well....

I made a huge sandwich that looked like I fun! The kids had fun, there wasn't a bite left.
Overall, this was the easiest party I've done! Set up was great, take down was easy and the best part....Braxton had an amazing time! The boys were so good and made some great memories.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Looks like so much fun! Wish we could have been there!