Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

This Fourth of July weekend, Scott and I both had a 4 day weekend. (I don't know the last time we both had the same days off)
We rented a boat from base and were off on a camping trip up at Strawberry.
I will say, the camping part was a "swing and a miss" but we tried. The tent didn't work, the area was cold and we were all tired and hungry. So, plan B: drive to a hotel in Heber and "camp out" there for the night.
Although the packing, unpacking and two drives up the mountain took their toll on all of us, the hotel stay was just what we needed. The beds were so comfy, the breakfast was awesome, and the bath for the boys was great! Once rested and fed, our little fam headed up to Strawberry Bay for some fun on the water.
And fun it was! Braxton even wore himself out so much he fell asleep on my lap...
We helped out some fellow boaters who broke down in the middle of the lake. Our tiny little fishing boat actually pulled this boat to the dock....Scott thought he was pretty cool...
The boys were so good on the boat. They had such a great time having a BBQ on the boat, fishing, riding around the lake, and just hanging out in the good weather.
It was a great way to spend the Fourth of July weekend for our little family. It was also really nice to hang out and relax on Monday....

So fun!

1 comment:

Janae said...

looks like so much fun! I think we've all had those camping trips that don't quite go as planned - but i'm glad you guys found a nice comfy place to stay. We missed you at the family shin dig, but i'm glad you had a great weekend with your family!