Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Friend Hunter....

Oh Hunter, how we love you! Our family is so blessed to have you guys in our lives....our boys growing up together, our youngest ones getting married some day, and of course the moms having the best friendship ever!
We have a cousin Hunter, when Carter was younger he would differentiate between the two by calling this Hunter, Friend Hunter. And our friend Hunter had his 5th birthday party last weekend.
Ash is such an amazing dedicated mom who plans really fun themed birthday parties and ALWAYS make the cake! This year the theme was scales and tails (because they came and brought all of the snakes, turtles and gigantic lizards a boy could love!)
These are the cutest cupcakes I've ever seen! And homemade I might add....
Carter even got to hold a corn snake at the end of the show....
Hunter was so brave!
Thanks for such an amazing time Hunt....

1 comment:

Ashley and Devan said...

Ah, we love you guys! Cant believe H is five and Carter is so close. Where has the time gone? I am so thankful for your friendship, wouldn't trade it for the world. I only wish we still lived close. Can't wait to see you Saturday at Brinley's future husband's party : )