Wednesday, December 3, 2008

If it's not One Thing....It's Another!

I am so excited about the new baby...however going through the sickness and pains all over again has got me wondering what I was thinking! :)
With Carter I never felt like I needed to throw up (don't get me wrong I felt sick all the time) but never like this! And I was able to eat just fine....not now. I never had and real pains that would stop me in my tracks and I can't even tell you how awful things have been in the pain department for me lately...probably the throwing up, continuous coughing and lack of food is all making things worse too!
But honestly, I just got over the stomach flu (which was so much fun) and now I have this head cold from hell! Scott's aunt is my doctor for this baby so it's so nice to call her and tell her everything because she makes it all better. I'm on like a million pills right now: one for anti-nausea (which causes constipation), aciphex for acid reflux, an acid reducer just because things have gotten so much worse in that department, an antiboitic for my new cold development, lortab for my coughing which helps me sleep better, and my prenantals (which also make me want to vomit!)
Scott did some work on his cousin's car this past weekend, and they were so cute yesterday to bring over some treats for us with a "thank you" card! However, Scott was out with Carter and they got the pleasure of seeing me with no makeup, no shower, not even brushed teeth, in my pjs and with my "duck-like" voice! Embarrassing!!
I do have say I've found my favorite new food.....Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips! I know that's so random, but vinegar is a natural "acid neutralizer" and when the pills aren't working, man these chips help a ton! I gained just about 60 pounds with Carter, and this time around I thought "there's no way I'll get that big again" well eating these chips like there's no tomorrow is definitely not helping my goal weight gain!
I don't know why this pregnancy has been so much worse than with Carter (and it wasn't like it was a "dream" pregnancy) I seriously hope this doesn't last much longer! I do have to commend my husband for stepping up and taking care of my sick self and being a mom and dad to Carter lately.
This morning, Carter woke up at 5:30am (his usually wakes up at 8am) and was ready to go for the day. Scott was just heading out to go to work at that time and noticed the look of fear, vomit and pain on my face! Needless to say, the sweet man stayed home to let me get some more hours of sleep in before heading off to my job. I don't think anything could have been better at that moment.
On a positive note though, my last day working is going to be next Friday! December 12th! Less than two weeks and I'm going to be a full-time stay at home mom!!! I can't wait.....and hopefully I get feeling better because my poor little Carter needs his fun mom back again.


Kiera said...

I'm sorry you are having such a hard time with this pregnancy. That sucks.

That is way exciting for you to be able to stay home full time. I wish I could (without kids). Ha ha

Andrea said...

Salt and Vinegar chips.....SICK Christie!! I am sorry you have to resort to eating those nasty chips. Hopefully the "morning" sickness will only last for the first 8 weeks, and then you will start to feel better after that.

The Benoits said...

Congrats on the new baby! I totally feel your pain on the sickness thing. With both my girls I was deathly sick until 21 weeks. Don't know why 21 was the magic number, but I felt better after that. So keep venting...there are definately people who understand. Hang in there!!

Ashley and Devan said...

I'm sorry that you are so sick! I hope you are over it soon. Let me know if I can come and get Carter sometime so you can get some rest. We are all moved into our new house so when you are feeling up to it, lets plan a play date.