Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our Fun-Filled Family Christmas!

This year was so much fun in so many ways....Carter understands who Santa is and he also gets what presents are all about (but not the two together) so this year was more fun for everyone!
My family from Arizona came this past week and stayed with's the first Christmas in like 4 years that I've seen them so it was very special. Carter definitely gets spoiled between the three families!
On Christmas Eve, Scott's family came over and we all had a really nice dinner and made some fun cookies for "Santa."

I have to admit, with Carter's "help" we did pretty well!

I tried to make a big deal out of leaving the cookies out for Santa and this is what Carter woke up to on Christmas morning....

On Christmas there was so much going on...I stayed in my pjs all day! We had a fun present opening "session" with my fam from AZ that morning, and my family here came over that afternoon. There were so many people, presents, food dishes and just fun going on it was crazy but worth it!

Carter was such a big help shoveling the driveway for us.

The day after Christmas we dropped Carter off with my mom and the adults went snowmobiling. It was AMAZING! We drove about two hours to Strawberry Bay and man was it cold! They had just got about 2 feet of snow that night so we were cruising on fresh powder....I've never atually driven one before but I loved it!
(I went so slow...not even 20 miles per hour...and we were on the flat ground for those that might be worried about the baby.)
We got stuck numerous times...not me but pretty much everyone else! Here's a fun pic of everyone else trying to get the snowmobile out!

It was about 15 degrees out there and with the wind chill it felt like 30 this what I had to resort to....

For Christmas I got Scott an "At Home Hair Cutting Thing." The best invention yet! These are the before and after......worth every penny....
We said goodbye to my fam from AZ today and this is my little man all tuckered out from the festivities!
This picture was actually taken by my mom's neighbor and I just had to share.....
We had such a great Christmas this year! It was the first time since our wedding that we've had all three fams together, and Carter is so attached to everyone he loved having everyone there! I do have to mention something amazing that I was given.....but I have to preface with a little history:
When Scott and I got married I had the most beautiful ring ever (it was a pretty penny too!)...and after gaining my million pounds with Carter it didn't fit so I didn't wear it for very long. After I had Carter and lost some of the weight, Scott went to get my ring cleaned for me and it never made it back to me. It got lost/stolen and I've never seen it since! You can always replace a ring...but I was just so sick that the ring that Scott put on my finger when he was crying and saying our vows, I would never see it just made me sick!
I've been wearing a cheap ($75) CZ ring ever since knowing that there's no way I'll ever see a ring like the one I had again. Well this Christmas Scott surprised me with an exact replica of my original engagement ring! It is the most beautiful ring ever...and it looks just like the one he put on my finger originally! I honestly had no idea that he even thought about getting a ring for me. I cried in front of my entire family and was so speechless for hours afterward. (I don't have any pics because I can't work my flash that well yet so the pics turn out blurry)
But I do have to say, my husband has sacrificed in so many ways lately to make sure that I have the things that are most important to me and I love him so much for everything that he does! I couldn't have asked for a better present!


juju said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI'M FINNALLY THE FIRST TO COMMENT suck on that andria jk jk jk to cute i still say four wheelers are better you can do donuts and your a lucky girl but scotts and even luckier guy to have you

Jackie said...

Wow, Santa cookies, family, snowmobiling, and a new ring!! Sounds like a very good Christmas! That was awesome of Scott to think of getting you your ring, what a nice guy! I'm glad you had such a great holiday. And yes now that it's all over we do need to get together.

Andrea said...

Wow Christie!! I had no idea Scotty surprised you with a new ring. I too remember that gorgeous wedding ring you had. What a wonderful Christmas. I love all the pics. Love you!

Ashley and Devan said...

Wow, Scott gave you the best present ever. What a great husband you have. I love that last picture of Carter. He is such a beautiful kid. So, how are you feeling? Do you guys want to come and play at our house next Thursday?

Crystal said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas!! Send me your email address and I'll send you a few other pictures I got of Carter and the one that I gave your mom.