Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hiking...Our New Passion...

Lately, Scott and I have been on a "hiking kick" and it's great! We've shared our new found love for the great outdoors together which has been so nice. I usually hate being in the wilderness and Scott couldn't be happier, while I'd rather have a real bathroom and room service Scott would love nothing more than a campfire and tent! But hiking has really been a nice treat for us.
Scott heard about a great trail in Ogden, Waterfall Canyon where you hike all the way to a gorgeous waterfall (hence the name) So we decided to give it a shot...but first we took the boys on a "mini-hike" to test it out the night before...
They loved it! Carter had to be the "leader" and helped daddy pick flowers for me on the way down. Of course Brax was content to be held, and just looked at everything.
It was such a fun "hike." Scott and I switched off carrying Brax which was nice in the beginning...then on the way down he thought he'd pick flowers too by just reaching out and literally pulling them...this was so annoying because he's strong and it was stop me in my tracks!

The next day Scott and I got some much needed "date time" hiking! The view was amazing...
We had no idea what we were in for...but it was really fun chatting the whole time.
I have to admit...everyone said it was worth it (and for their sake I kept saying that they better be right) and it really was....
It was so hot, but the water coming off was like a freezing mist and was so nice! We hiked what seemed like forever and really got a great workout, some fun alone time, and accomplished something together....who knew the great outdoors was capable of something like that?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I have been on that hike before. It really is beautiful once you reach the waterfall. Those pics really make me miss you guys. Glad you are having a fun summer.