Sunday, September 14, 2008


So yesterday marked an entire 7 YEARS that Scott and I have been together. We started dating in 2001 and ever since have been exclusive! Though our anniversaries used to be about just the two of us, we decided this year to include Carter in the festivities.

We took Carter back to the State Fair (Scott couldn't make it last time) so this was a real treat! I think we're going to make it a tradition to go twice every year, because Carter seemed to do A LOT more and really enjoy things more because he'd already done some of them.

Although Scott looks mad in this pic, he's really just trying to reassure Carter that the cow is fake!

Here's me trying to show Carter how the brush the sheep.
And what's a second time at the fair without yet another ride on the blue airplane?
Overall, we had such a great time, the weather was nice and there didn't seem to be a TON of people this time. This is something we're going to try every year from now on.
And of course we HAD to have some ALONE time on our 7 year Scott's parents watched Carter while we went to dinner and a movie.

This was probably the most fun we've had in SO LONG! We just laughed at dinner, talked about our memories and stories from over the years.....just a really great time! Scott and I really needed this time to realize how much we really do love each other and how much history we have with one another.


juju said...

you two look so happy you need to make a date every two weeks just to yourself and have fun as a younge couple who love eachother instead of younge parents

juju said...

how did scott get out of that pappa i could barely get out of it and i'm small if you know what i mean jk did scott get carter to drive it up and down

Jackie said...

I missed this post somehow, but I just wanted to say how cute your pictures are!! 7 years is a long time, it's crazy how fast it can fly by! I think it's very important to get out as "just adults", John and I definitely don't do it enough, we've known each other for 8 years now, married for five...insane!