Monday, October 13, 2008

Snow Fun....Cookies!

Today it snowed! We seriously has almost 4 inches of snow in our front yard today! I knew the weather was getting cold....but SNOW seriously?
Well, Carter got a snow suit for his birthday yesterday....and we thought what perfect timing! So after nap time we got him geared up for the first snow experience of the year!
It looks like he's crying in this pic, but he really is laughing! He loved making the snow angel.
Here's our little man!
Scott decided it was time to show Carter the art of "Snowman-Making."
So cute....
Later to warm up, I thought it would be fun to bake and ice some sugar cookies. Here's little Carter getting in on the action.They turned out really cute. Smiths had this great mix of Halloween even had tiny ghosts, pumpkins and bats!
It was such a fun day yesterday!


Benoit's said...

Looks like you guys a had fun day even if it was freezing cold...You are way ahead of me because I have not even look for a snow suit yet...Carter & Kyson could be sledding buddies.

Jackie said...

WOW...sugar cookies! I haven't made those in ages. Carter looks so cute in his snow gear! I couldn't believe how much snow was on the ground when we woke up yesterday...looks like you had a great day!

Jessica said...

Looks like so much fun! I still need to find Ava a snow suit. I wasn't expecting the snow to come so soon! Your cookies look yummy!

Ashley and Devan said...

Carter looks darling in his new snow suit. What a fun day!!

Andrea said...

First...that birthday party was awesome!!!! Hunter had so much fun stealing all of Carter's presents.haha! I'd say the "Cars" theme was a really big hit. I am SO SO glad we were able to be there for my favorite nephews 2nd bday. (and YES Julia, I am Carter's favorite aunt.) haha!
Second, it freaking snowed yesterday????? Good thing I am headed back to Iowa where we hopefully won't be getting snow for a little longer. Carter looks so cute in his snow suit.